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Lawrence H Blinderman Insurance

Office Location: 1252 Elm St., Ste. 7, West Springfield, MA 01089

Phone number: (413) 739-5896


Sometimes it can be very hard to think about the future, especially when there is so much going on in your present. This is how many people feel about planning for their retirement. A part of this is due to many employers offering retirement packages, leading individuals to think that what they need is the right employer rather than the right retirement plan. If you are an employer that does not have a retirement package for your employees, then it is safe to assume that your ability to retain excellent employees is not as strong as it otherwise could be.

Help your employees accumulate tax deferred income for retirement with 401(k) plans and other retirement saving solutions designed by Lawrence H Blinderman Insurance insurance experts. Our experienced advisers tailor cost effective benefits packages that offer advantages to employers and peace of mind for their personnel. Your employees can choose the amount they wish to contribute that will be automatically deducted from their paycheck and grow into tax deferred savings allowing for penalty free withdrawal at retirement age.

Customized 401(k) and other retirement planning options

Lawrence H Blinderman Insurance offers customized 401(k) plans where employees can choose investments provided under the plan. Discuss the various options for employer contributions with our Springfield group retirement plan experts who offer flexible and varied options that are good for employees and great for your business!

Choose from a Variety of Retirement Solutions for your Employees that Include:

  • 401(k) employee plans that offer extra tax advantages
  • Employee pension plans that provide added financial security
  • Shared interest stock ownership options
  • Enhanced retirement plans that offer extra savings for select employees
  • Complete retirement planning solutions
  • Employee investment strategies

Taking Care of Your Springfield Employees in Retirement

Learn about the differences between qualified and non-qualified retirement plans and simplify the retirement options you offer while benefiting from tax savings and other incentives. Lawrence H Blinderman Insurance helps employers make informed financial decisions and designs retirement plans that are best suited to your Springfield business.

Consult with a Lawrence H Blinderman Insurance retirement planning expert to determine the best savings options for your employees by contacting us via phone or email.